Featured Programs
Together As One: Relationships, Soul Contracts and Intimacy Parts 1 and 2
Two videos equaling 3 hours
Part 1: Together As One: Relationships and Soul Contracts
Are you ready to learn how to build connections from a space of freedom, mutual respect and fulfillment, instead of being entangled in cycles of co-dependency, enabling, and people-pleasing? If so, then join Matt Kahn for a clarifying virtual group healing event to uncover the highest truths and living potential around relationships and soul contracts. This is your opportunity to understand the truth about soul contracts, learn how to shift your energy to attract the kind of relationships you deserve and desire, and deepen your ability to recognize which relationships support your evolution and which relationships are distracting you from it.
Part 2: Together As One: Relationships and Intimacy
This virtual event explores relationships and intimacy to support you in nurturing fulfilling connections, create space for a deeper partnership to be, and learn the importance of personal standards and boundaries to ensure you are being met in the exact way you meet others. In this deep dive into the heart of intimacy you learn how to release sexual shame, learn new ways to heal trauma, clear patterns of co-dependent entanglement and the tendency of attracting emotionally avoidant partners, and embrace the highest purpose of relationships throughout your life.
Angel Academy 13: You Are Not Alone
9 videos with over 9 hours of content
While this planet seems to be at a crossroads, we are actually living out an incredible tipping point in history. In order for such a shift to occur, many sensitive, empathic, heart-centered beings such as yourself are entering a new level of empowerment, embodiment, and energetic attunement.
This is why this new offering of Angel Academy was created. It will assist you in opening and furthering this shift, so you can hone your empathic abilities, learn to stay true to yourself and the boundaries you need, have a clear understanding of your inner guidance, and stand in your power without apologizing, people-pleasing, or hiding in co-dependent patterning.
While no previous experience in Angel Academy is necessary, this brand-new season of offerings is here to help you feel more hopeful about life, your place in the Universe, and your experience on planet Earth, honor your intuition, embrace discernment, and maintain the boundaries you need without thinking you’re being judgmental, stop struggling and cycling in survival mode and victimhood, calm the voice of your inner critic with kindness and compassion, and be more connected to Source, no matter how ungrounded, disconnected, reactive, or fearful others may be. In Angel Academy 13 – You Are Not Alone, you'll find a depth of empowerment that helps you fully be in the world with renewed inner strength and confidence, and a calm inner knowing no matter what takes place around you.
Total Living Freedom
This 3-day retreat is a collection of 6 video sessions totaling 9 hours of teachings for those ready to experience freedom from over-thinking, over-processing, and over-analyzing our healing journey, and life, as a way of returning to the unlimited power and radiant freedom of our true Presence of being.
For a life-changing exploration, and experiential gift full of guided meditations, activations and energetic leavening -- this retreat is for all who are ready to rise within and peacefully live in total freedom amidst the turmoil of a human race, and an ever-divided world undergoing unprecedented levels of change.
Matt's Live In-Person Event Recordings capture the essence, energy, joy and love experienced when this beautiful soul community comes together...