
A comprehensive journey of healing and awakening,

from start to finish.

This course is the culmination of my eighteen year career as an intuitive healer. It includes the most powerful lessons I've learned throughout my journey of awakening. I truly feel that this is the most effective and complete tool for expanding consciousness I have ever created. 

If you are ready to step out of perpetual cycles of endless healing and into the freedom of being healed to completion in every moment, I'm honored to be your guide for this next stage in your journey.

About the Course

The strongest trees have the deepest roots...

In order to fully support your awakening process, this course begins by helping you create an unshakable foundation of safety and relaxation that the magnificence of your divinity can rest upon.

We want to let you know: this course goes deep.

Throughout this 9+ hour video course you will be guided through an in depth process of healing, releasing, and redefining traumas of the past, rewriting reactionary and unconscious patterns, and embodying your fullest expression in every facet of your being.

The transmissions, processes, and activations included in each level of this ascending journey are intuitively designed to transform you at a cellular level and support the emergence of your most natural, most alive, and most joyful self.

This course is about remembering your birthright as spiritual royalty and embracing the beauty of your humanity at the same time.

 This course will help you to :

  • Heal emotional blockages and wounds from the past
  • Find safety and relaxation in your body
  • Activate your passion for life and creative projects
  • Access willpower, consistency, and determination where necessary
  • Share more love and compassion with yourself and those around you
  • Empower authenticity and confidence in communication
  • Amplify your intuitive and empathic abilities
  • Strengthen your connection to the divine

No matter where you find yourself in your healing journey, or what stage of awakening you may be experiencing, this online course will meet you exactly where you're at and guide you into your next moment of completion. 

The Format

Healed to Completion is a powerful and profoundly sacred healing process that will assist you in awakening all 7 levels of consciousness, known as energy centers, or chakras, within yourself. Each of the levels is organized into modules containing:

  • Transmissions of presence
  • Personal stories of how each level of consciousness woke up in my reality
  • Guided visualizations
  • Clearings and activations
  • Embodiment practices for integration

Who is this course for?

This journey is for the empaths of the world, the emotionally and energetically sensitive beings who yearn to go deep, who wish to dive into the mystery of their existence and allow the circumstances of their reality to be an invitation to awaken unity consciousness and your connection to the Oneness of the Universe.

What makes this different?

Right now, humanity is at a pivotal point in its evolution. We are recognizing that our awakening is not just an option, but a destiny each of us must step fully into.

After eighteen years as an intuitive healer, I've now been called to distill all the most powerful lessons I've learned in my journey of awakening in order to offer the world the most impactful tool for transformation I've ever created.

This course is unlike anything I've ever created because we've never reached this point in history before. And now that we're here, what we need is a journey that will help us see it through from start to completion.

"Every breath provides us an opportunity to step into greater wholeness, greater expansion and to make more room for our divinity to wake up and reside in our physical bodies."

Course Outline

Level 1 | Safety

At the beginning of our journey, we explore the energy of our root chakra, releasing and transforming anything that has caused us to feel unsafe, ungrounded, or unsupported by life or the people around us. A vulnerable personal story from Matt launches us into deep territory and allows for powerful waves of healing to permeate our core. With a reclaimed and solid foundation, we dig our roots into life and begin our ascension.

Level 2 | Expression

In Level 2, we delve into our sacral chakra and rediscover ourselves as creative and sexually alive beings, alchemizing the shame and guilt we may have accumulated through our experience in an unconscious society. A soothing visualization helps reconnect us to our innocence, while the embodiment practice invites us to stir the pot of our creativity as we embrace our inner artist and begin to dance with life.


Level 3 | Confidence

Moving up to the solar plexus and the center of our personal power, we take a look at any ways we may be out of balance in our lives in the areas of discipline, follow through, and willpower. In the clearing and activation portion of Level 3 we find alignment with the dimension of time to relax more easily into the present moment. In Level 3 we take our power back and transform our addictive patterns of laziness and distraction into opportunities for spiritual practice and integrity with our divinity.


Level 4 | Love

As we enter the heart in Level 4, Matt shares an incredibly personal revelation and teaching that cuts through the illusion separating us from the beauty and love that permeates every moment of our lives. We access potent depths of forgiveness, compassion, and appreciation for all the situations and characters of our lives, which are simply pathways back home to the love that we are.


Level 5 | Communication

In our communication center in the throat, we unravel our insecurities around communicating our authentic needs to those around us and move into integrity with ourselves. We activate our ability to speak our truth while holding full compassion for those we are communicating with, and learn to set boundaries that honor our need for self-care and balance. We invite a very special guest into our visualization and open up the opportunity for major healing to take place.


Level 6 | Awareness

In the center of our awareness and intuition, we illuminate the third eye by creating a nuanced distinction between the ego and our intuition. A powerful embodiment practice and immersive visualization that attunes us to become receptive to the messages and Divine guidance that is always being transmitted to us. Our third eye is where we enter into a co-creative relationship with the Universe, step more fully into service, and fulfill our purpose in every moment.


Level 7 | Wisdom

Level 7 is the seat of our wisdom; our crown chakra, where we are connected to the heavens, our higher selves, spirit guides, and our lineages.


Bonus Footage | Full-Length Healing Sessions

As a celebration of your Healed to Completion journey, we invite you to experience extended versions of the healing sessions featured in Healed by Love, Matt’s recent full length documentary film. While the film only featured a small portion of Coral, Philippe, Pam, and Leah’s sessions, these extended versions allow for an intimate glimpse into how the energy and insights unfolded during their time with Matt.

What's Included

Instant access to 9+ hours
of video content

42 videos
(plus audio only versions)

Compatible with 
all devices

Go at your
own pace

Private community
discussion & support portal
within each level


What's Included

9+ hours
of video content

42 videos
(plus audio only versions)


Go at your
own pace

Private community
discussion & support portal
within each level

on all devices

Healed to Completion is now available within our All for Love: All Access membership.

Start your 10-day FREE trial now.

Easily cancel, or change from monthly to yearly (and vice versa) anytime from within your account portal. Credit card required.

Please Note: We want to let you know this course goes very deep. It walks you through many stages of healing and may bring up strong and sometimes uncomfortable emotions as you move through to release and resolve along the hero’s journey.


Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, highly attuned intuitive healer, speaker, and captivating author. He enriches people’s lives by providing heart-centered solutions that ignite, delight, and unite! Matt wrote the highly acclaimed books Whatever Arises, Love That; Everything Is Here to Help You; and The Universe Always Has a Plan, which have been translated into more than a dozen languages. His newest book is All for Love: The Transformative Power of Holding Space.

Matt is a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. With 21+ million YouTube views, people are finding relief from the challenges of daily life through his heart-centered messages. Matt was named one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People by Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine, alongside the Dalai Lama and Eckhart Tolle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Healed to Completion?

Healed to Completion is a comprehensive online video course featuring Matt Kahn that takes you through 7 levels of consciousness on a path that joins healing and awakening as one.

It is a “go at your own pace” course with a recommended timeframe of 7-21 one days, depending on the level of integration needed between each of the 7 levels.

What is included in Healed to Completion?

Healed to Completion includes 42 streaming videos totaling 9+ hours (plus audio only versions that are designed to take you on a complete journey of healing and awakening. Also included is a downloadable course workbook and discussion and support portals for each level of consciousness.


When are the Live Online Q&A Events?

The events are scheduled for the following times:

Feb 11 @ 11am PST - Levels 1 & 2
Feb 18 @ 11am PST - Levels 3 & 4
Feb 25 @ 11am PST - Levels 5 - 7

Replays will be available if you are unable to attend the live calls.

Will the live events have a replay?

Yes, replays will be available and accessible from within your account.

Why does the enrollment period for this online course close?

Because of the immersive and deep healing nature of this course, we want to be able to offer the best support for those moving through it. By having the community begin the course at the same time, we can offer focused support from the All for Love Team while people are at similar stages of the journey.

Also, each module has a discussion portal to connect with other community members experiencing Healed to Completion, and to receive support from the All for Love Team for any questions you might have during the course. The most activity and active support from the All for Love Team will happen after enrollment ends and during the timeframe Matt recommends to finish the course, which is 7-21 days.

How do I access this course?

After enrollment, you will receive access to a membership portal where you will find all the course content available for online streaming. All videos include audio only versions that can be streamed with low bandwidth.

When will I receive access?

You will receive instant, lifetime access immediately after enrollment. You will receive an email with login instructions within 5-minutes. If you have enrolled but did not receive an access email, please contact our support team and we will assist you.

What is the schedule for this course?

Healed to Completion is a “go at your own pace” course, however, for maximum benefit, Matt recommends that you complete no more than one level of consciousness per day, and to either do one level per day, or rest for up to 48 hours between each of the 7 levels of consciousness to allow time for integration. Depending on the time you leave for integration, it is recommended to complete this course in 7-21 days. Also, there is a limited enrollment period so that the community is moving through this course at similar times to amplify the energies of healing both individually and collectively. Each module has a discussion portal to connect with other community members experiencing Healed to Completion, and to receive support from the All for Love Team for any questions you might have during the course. The most activity and active support from the all for love team will happen during the 21 day period after enrollment closes on Feb. 7, 2023.


Can I go at my own pace?

Yes, Healed to Completion is a “go at your own pace” course, however, for maximum benefit, Matt recommends that you complete no more than one level of consciousness per day, and to either do one level per day, or rest for up to 48 hours between each of the 7 levels of consciousness to allow time for integration. Depending on the time you leave for integration, it is recommended to complete this course in 7-21 days. Also, there is a limited enrollment period so that the community is moving through this course at similar times to amplify the energies of healing both individually and collectively. Each module has a discussion portal to connect with other community members experiencing Healed to Completion, and to receive support from the All for Love Team for any questions you might have during the course. The most activity and active support from the all for love team will happen during the 21 day period after enrollment closes on Feb. 7, 2023.

How is the course content delivered?

All video and audio content within this course is accessed through online streaming. The included workbook may be downloaded and printed.

How much of my time will this course require?

This course has a little over nine hours of content that is designed to be experienced multiple times as your journey evolves. It is a “go at your own pace” course, however, for maximum benefit, Matt recommends that you complete no more than one level of consciousness per day, and to either do one level per day, or rest for up to 48 hours between each of the 7 levels of consciousness to allow time for integration. Depending on the time you leave for integration, it is recommended to complete this course in 7-21 days.


Will I have lifetime access?

Yes, you can access this course at any time in your lifetime. 

How much does it cost?

The suggested contribution for this course is between $111-$222.

You will receive the same course and support regardless of the amount you contribute.

If you are able to contribute at the higher end of the scale, we welcome that, as it balances out those in the community who are unable to at this time, and supports Matt and the All for Love Team's ability to continue making these types of offerings and transmissions available.

What is the difference between Healed to Completion and Angel Academy?

Angel Academy is a live online event that takes place on Zoom over several months. Healed to Completion is a “go at your own pace” online course that has been professionally filmed, edited, and organized (by the same amazing filmmakers who recently brought you Matt’s full-length documentary film!) to help optimize your healing experience and allow for multiple viewings of the entire course, or the specific area that you may need assistance with at any given time.


Is there a Partial scholarship available if i can’t financially afford the course?

We will have partial scholarships available for those unable to contribute at the suggested amount when enrollment opens again.

What is the refund policy?

Our highest intention is for you to receive incredible value and transformation from this course. We truly believe in the power and value of this offering, however, if you complete the course and do not feel that you have received the benefit you had hoped for, please contact our support team within 30 days of registration.


    © 2022 MATT KAHN All For Love. All rights Reserved.