
Step Into Your Soul’s Divine Mission and Unlock Your Unique Evolutionary Blueprint.

At the heart of Angel Academy lies a profound recognition: this world, with all its turbulence and beauty, serves as a sacred school designed for the awakening of masters, angels, and spiritual guides. Born from the insight that each of us is here to contribute to a grand cosmic plan, Angel Academy 16: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Mission is your invitation to take the next step in your evolutionary journey—receiving, activating, and embracing your soul’s divine mission.

Central to our exploration is the understanding that each soul is imprinted with a unique evolutionary blueprint. Your spiritual DNA, crafted from untold lifetimes and countless generations, holds the key to your soul’s mission. This course is your guide to uncovering this essential blueprint, decoding your past struggles and pains, and integrating them as your essential contribution to this never-ending and ever-expanding story of existence.

In Angel Academy 16, you will:

Recognize yourself as an integral part of Earth’s transformation, stepping into your power as a spiritual beacon in these pivotal times.

Identify, heal and release lingering blockages that may be limiting the flow of money, health, and loving relationships into your life that will support you in becoming an emissary of consciousness evolution.

Transition from inward-focused healing to outward expressions of service, understanding how your personal evolution contributes to the collective upliftment.

Learn to view every obstacle as a meticulously designed lesson, guiding you closer to realizing your highest potential and deepest purpose.

Attune to the frequency of your soul’s voice, distinguishing between fleeting diversions and your true highest calling.

Liberate yourself from the endless loop of karmic patterns, embracing a life of purpose that transcends past limitations.

Are You Ready to Embrace Your Divine Mission?

If your heart resonates with the call to awaken, to unearth your unique blueprint, and to contribute to our planet’s grand transformation, Angel Academy 16 awaits you. Join us on this sacred journey as we, together, step fully into our roles as architects of a new reality.

Let this be the moment you choose to fully awaken to your purpose, joining a global community of souls dedicated to living with intention, love, and transformative power.

Welcome to your awakening. 
Welcome to Angel Academy 16.

Who is Angel Academy 16 for?

Angel Academy 16 is meticulously crafted for those who feel a deep calling to transcend their personal limitations and embrace a higher purpose. If you find yourself consistently drawn to personal evolution, if you sense that your life's challenges are not mere obstacles but transformative opportunities, if you feel you are here to contribute something important to the collective, this program is here to support you in that calling.

Angel Academy 16 will help you to:

Discover and fully step into your soul’s mission, filling your life with passion and purpose, and aligning your daily actions with your deepest truths.

Draw abundance and vitality to you to help support your ability to impact change in your life and in the lives of those around you. 

Rise into your role as a leader, inspiring and guiding others through your example and embodied wisdom.

Find clarity and purpose in moments where you feel stuck or lost, guiding you to a clearer understanding of your unique path in this life.

Overcome spiritual loneliness and isolation, connecting you with a community of like-minded souls and reminding you that you are not alone on this journey.

Let go of outdated coping mechanisms and dependencies, fostering a new level of independence and strength in your spiritual and emotional life.

Program Outline

Session 1 - Unveiling the Cosmic Blueprint

Engage in a profound initiation into the sacred matrix of your spiritual DNA. This session offers a gateway to decipher the celestial codes embedded within your soul, setting the foundation for a transformative alignment with your divine role in the universal tapestry.

Session 2 - Alchemy of Shadows

Dive into the alchemical process of shadow work, where hidden aspects of your psyche are illuminated and transformed. Harness these powerful insights to forge an unshakable inner strength, enabling you to navigate your spiritual path with enlightened clarity and resilience.

Session 3 - From Inner Healing to Global Impact

This lesson redefines service, teaching you how to channel your healing experiences into actions that uplift and resonate across the collective consciousness. Learn how the lessons of your individual journey equip you to contribute meaningfully to the collective awakening.

Session 4 - Navigating the Divine Curriculum

Deepen your embodiment at a cellular perception to perceive every challenge as a divinely orchestrated curriculum tailored specifically for your soul’s expansion. Learn to navigate this labyrinth with grace, viewing each obstacle as an opportunity to embody and express your highest potential.

Session 5 - Attuning to Your Soul’s Voice

Fine-tune your spiritual sensitivity to clearly distinguish the whispers of your soul from the noise of mundane distractions. This session enhances your intuitive clarity, allowing you to consistently choose paths that resonate deeply with your soul’s calling.

Session 6 - Closing Karmic Loops

Break free from the cyclical patterns that have historically confined your spiritual progress. This transformative lesson provides you with the tools to release and transcend karmic binds, paving the way for a liberated existence filled with purpose and freedom.

Session 7 - Activating Your Soul's Mission

This pivotal session is designed to catalyze the transition from spiritual understanding to dynamic action. Dive deep into the heart of your spiritual purpose, harnessing the cumulative insights and energies you've nurtured throughout our journey together. Here, we focus on activating your soul's mission, transforming internal revelations into external expressions that deeply impact your life and the world around you. This lesson empowers you to live as a vivid embodiment of your mission, actively contributing to the cosmic symphony and inspiring transformative change within your community and beyond.

Session 8 - Stepping into Leadership

Transition from personal transformation to becoming a guiding light for others. Equip yourself with the wisdom and compassion necessary to lead and elevate those around you, fostering a community of awakened beings.

Bonus Session: Session 9 -Energy Activation with Matt and Joy Kahn

In the special bonus Activation Session, Matt will be joined by his beloved, Joy. Together, they will share a powerful channeled frequency upgrade and activation. This session is designed to synergistically integrate all the elements of Angel Academy 16, enabling participants to fully assimilate and embody the profound wisdom and transformations experienced during the program. It's an opportunity to harmonize and amplify the personal and collective shifts, ensuring a deeply rooted and lasting impact.


All Sessions are 90 minutes on Wednesdays at
4 pm PT / 5 pm MT / 6 pm CT / 7 pm ET



May 29, 2024

Unveiling the Cosmic Blueprint



JUNE 5, 2024

Alchemy of Shadows


JUNE 12, 2024

From Inner Healing to Global Impact


JUNE 19, 2024

No Live Event


JUNE 26, 2024

Navigating the Divine Curriculum



JULy 3, 2024

Attuning to Your Soul’s Voice


JULy 10, 2024

Closing Karmic Loops


JUly 17, 2024

Receiving Your Soul's Mission


JUly 24, 2024

No Live Event


JUly 31, 2024

Stepping into Leadership



AUGUST 7, 2024

Energy Activation with Matt and Joy Kahn

Begins May 29

Get lifetime streaming access for $111


Join the All for Love: All Access membership to get Angel Academy 16  plus Matt's entire online course collection and more for as low as $29/mo.
Learn more.

No previous experience in the Angel Academy series is necessary.
All are welcome.

ABOUT Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, highly attuned intuitive healer, speaker, and captivating author. He enriches people’s lives by providing heart-centered solutions that ignite, delight, and unite! Matt wrote the highly acclaimed books Whatever Arises, Love That; Everything Is Here to Help You; and The Universe Always Has a Plan, which have been translated into more than a dozen languages. His newest book is All for Love: The Transformative Power of Holding Space.

Matt is a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. With 21+ million YouTube views, people are finding relief from the challenges of daily life through his heart-centered messages. Matt was named one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People by Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine, alongside the Dalai Lama and Eckhart Tolle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Angel Academy 16?

Angel Academy 16: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Mission is a 9-Week virtual group transformation journey led by Matt Kahn, featuring 9 online video events (hosted on Zoom). In this series, Matt will guide you through the process of unlocking and embracing your unique evolutionary blueprint to help you:
- Recognize and step into your power as a spiritual beacon in pivotal times.
- Identify, heal, and release blockages that may be limiting the flow of abundance, health, and loving relationships in your life.
- Transition from inward-focused healing to outward expressions of service, enhancing your contribution to collective upliftment.
- Learn to view every obstacle as a meticulously designed lesson, guiding you closer to realizing your highest potential and deepest purpose.
- Attune to the frequency of your soul’s voice, distinguishing between fleeting diversions and your true highest calling.
- Liberate yourself from the endless loop of karmic patterns, embracing a life of purpose that transcends past limitations.
- Step fully into your role as a leader, guiding others through your example and embodied wisdom.

What is included in Angel Academy 16?

Your registration includes ALL of the 9 live online 90 minute video events with Matt. It also includes:

• Streaming recordings from the sessions to listen to as often as you wish.
• The opportunity to ask Matt a question during the live sessions.
• The opportunity to hear incredible Q&A dialogues.

How Do I Access Angel Academy 16?

We use the Zoom video platform to deliver these transformational live sessions so you can participate through your phone or computer. Access information for each live session will be emailed and provided in your account.

Replays will be available within 24 hours of each session if you are unable to attend the live sessions. All video replays also include audio only versions that can be streamed with low bandwidth.

When will I receive Access?

If enrolling for Angel Academy 16 on its own, you will receive a confirmation email shortly after registration with account details. We will be sending live event access emails the day before and the day of each session. To access the replay videos of Angel Academy 16 sessions you can login to your account and find the replays in your account Library. Your confirmation email and your account will be set up and sent to the email address you used to register for the program (e.g. if you register with your Hotmail address, please check your Hotmail inbox for our emails).

If you purchase a membership to All for Love: All Access, you will be logged into your new account immediately upon registration and will have access to all of Matt's online courses, past Angel Academy programs, and much more. You'll receive full access to Angel Academy 16 live events and recordings as long as your membership is active.

What Are All the Live Session Dates?

The session dates for the whole series are as follows:

All Sessions are 90 minutes on Wednesdays at 
4 pm PT / 5 pm MT / 6 pm CT / 7 pm ET

Please use this time converter for other time zones: Time Zone Converter

Session 1: May 29, 2024
Unveiling the Cosmic Blueprint

Session 2: June 5, 2024
Alchemy of Shadows

Session 3: June 12, 2024
From Inner Healing to Global Impact

June 19, 2024
No Live Event - Integration Break

Session 4: June 26, 2024
Navigating the Divine Curriculum

Session 5: July 3, 2024
Attuning to Your Soul’s Voice

Session 6: July 10, 2024
Closing Karmic Loops

July 17, 2024
No Live Event - Integration Break

Session 7: July 24, 2024
Receiving Your Soul's Mission

Session 8: July 31, 2024
Stepping into Leadership

BONUS Session 9: August 7, 2024
Energy Activation with Matt and Joy Kahn

Replays will be available if you are unable to attend the live sessions.

Replays: What if I Cannot Listen to All the Sessions Live? Do I Get Recordings of the Sessions?

Absolutely! Whether or not you can attend some or all of the sessions live, you will have full access to the replays for the whole series to listen and re-listen to at your convenience. Replays will be available in your account within 24 hours of each session.

How Can I Ask a Question?

On the Zoom platform, there is a Q&A field where you can enter your questions. As Matt is guided, he will either choose to read and answer a question from the Q&A list directly or ask you to raise your hand so we can bring up your video and audio so you can interact directly with Matt and ask your question.

How much does it cost?

Angel Academy 16 is offered for individual purchase with lifetime streaming access for $111.

You may also receive access to Angel Academy 16 by subscribing to our All for Love: All Access membership program for as low as $29/mo, which gives you access to all of Matt's online programs, two live calls per month and an archive of hundreds of hours of past recorded content, including the entire Angel Academy Collection. Click here to learn more about All for Love: All Access.

Will I have lifetime access?

If enrolling in Angel Academy 16 on its own, you will have lifetime access.

Access through the All for Love: All Access membership requires an active membership.


Are these weekly sessions different than the YouTube videos?

Yes, most definitely! Every time Matt speaks he brings through new teachings that are spontaneous and intuitively perfect for the individual and collective journey in the moment. The Angel Academy includes the most up-to-date energy transmissions, as Matt is regularly going through energetic upgrades (which he calls “downloads”) in order to offer what he provides at the deepest and highest level.

There is a Q&A in almost every session, which is a lovely interactive component that is not only a great dose of heart-opening joy, but also prompts new teachings to rise to the surface. The Angel Academies are one of Matt’s favorite events to offer because of how life-changing each one is, and life's Divine surprises along the way.

What is the refund policy?

To ensure Angel Academy 16 is for you, we have a 15-day money back guarantee from the May 29 start date of the program. 


© 2024 MATT KAHN All For Love. All rights Reserved.