Explore a collection of life-changing insight and wisdom from best-selling author and intuitive healer Matt Kahn, through four unique and equally powerful books.
52 Ways to Deepen Connection with Yourself & Others
In this engaging companion to Matt Kahn’s bestselling book All for Love, he shares inspirations and practices for cultivating ten vital qualities—including validation, worthiness, bravery, and forgiveness—to help you meet the challenges of daily life; get unstuck from past traumas, habits, and patterns; and more deeply embody love every day.
This deck is designed to remind you of the love that you are and help you embody the vibration of heart-centered consciousness throughout your daily interactions. Organized around the ten vital qualities Matt described in his book All for Love, this deck includes themes of encouragement, validation, worthiness, bravery, forgiveness, and more. Here he shares inspirations and practices for each quality―offering encouragement, avenues for personal inquiry, and consciousness-shifting actions to weave into your everyday routine. As you work with the deck, you’ll find guidance for meeting the evolutionary challenges of daily life; getting unstuck from past traumas, habits, and patterns; and more deeply embodying love every day.

The Transformative Power of Holding Space
Awaken your inner healer, transform conflict, and embrace our ever-changing world with confidence and compassion. From traditional religions to new spirituality, love is the foundation on which all practice rests.
Throughout the book, Matt shares ten essential principles―mercy, worthiness, bravery, and more―that help us access the highest and most loving qualities within ourselves and those around us. Each chapter contains personal stories and real-world applications, guiding us to reach into our own hearts and give one another the respect, validation, and encouragement needed to make it through the evolutionary shifts before us―shifts into greater unity and greater love.

Tara Brach
Author of Trusting the Gold
“This wise, heartfelt book guides us in creating a loving space for ourselves and others in an increasingly divided and volatile world.”

Kerri Walsh Jennings
Three-time Gold and one-time Bronze Olympic Medalist on the US Beach Volleyball Team
“The wisdom, insights, and practices within this book not only hold the key to personal transformation, but they also hold the key to a brighter, more compassionate, and more sincere world. Every reader who engages with this book will be changed, and that change has no choice but to show up in this world in the most beautifully empowered and intentional way. What a blessing!”

The Universe Always Has a Plan
The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go
The Universe Always Has A Plan helps you transform your reality into a life of ease, inspiration and miraculous joy. You will find the strength to feel safe in your body and in the world around you. You will be aligned with the light, instead of taking on the emotions of others. You will unravel many fear-based spiritual beliefs and end the confusion — once and for all. Most incredibly, you will know how to navigate your life from an aligned heart-centered perspective to manifest the excitement, passion, and fulfillment you were born to receive.

Anita Moorjani
New York Times best-selling author of Dying to Be Me and What if This is Heaven?
“The Universe Always Has A Plan is a beautiful book that really showcases Matt Kahn’s soul-sensitive work. He takes you on a journey that explores 10 powerful Golden Rules along with impactful mantras and simple exercises that will lead you on a journey of transformation, self-fulfillment, and emotional freedom—creating a life of joy and purpose. I highly recommend this book for anyone regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey.”

everything is here to help you
A Loving Guide to Your Soul's Evolution
In this book, Matt redefines the spiritual path for the modern-day seeker, and offers original, innovative ways to resolve fear, unravel judgments, and learn how to view life from a clear, expanded perspective.
This book helps you redefine the spiritual path and offers original, innovative ways to resolve fear, unravel judgments, and learn how to view life from a clear, expanded perspective. By redefining your understanding of the spiritual journey from the point of view of the soul, you breath fresh life into all aspects of your healing journey to usher in a revolutionary and loving approach to personal growth.

Sonia Choquette
New York Times best-selling author of Your 3 Best Super Powers
“Everything Is Here to Help You is a brilliant synthesis of insight, guidance, warmth, and wisdom that will open the heart and calm the mind. I loved every word, and will keep it close to my bedside as it has so much to offer I want to be able to sip its sweet wisdom often. It’s a gift to yourself to read it.”

A Love Revolution That Begins with You
In a world of endless questions, love is the only answer. Whatever Arises, Love That is the blueprint for a new spiritual paradigm and your companion in exploring spiritual evolution in the most heart-centered way.
There are four simple words that point the way toward liberation and fulfillment: whatever arises, love that. This is the life changing teaching that has been transforming the lives of so many people worldwide. Whatever Arises, Love That offers a collection of powerful teachings, providing you with a series of deeply healing insights and practices to ignite the spark of your highest potential.

Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason
“Matt Kahn has created and exquisite roadmap for the soul’s evolution. This book has the power to transform the entire planet.”

Card Deck
Energetically encoded healing mantras on worthiness, abundance, love and more.

Matt Kahn is an incomparable spiritual teacher, highly attuned empathic healer, powerful speaker, and captivating author. He enriches people’s lives by providing heart-centered solutions that ignite, delight, and unite! Matt wrote the highly acclaimed books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You, and The Universe Always Has a Plan, which have been translated into more than a dozen languages. His second book, Everything is Here to Help You, was featured in the “Be Kind” box by Ellen DeGeneres.
His newest book, All For Love: The Transformative Power of Holding Space, won a Gold IPPY Award (Independent Publishers Award) and an Ommie Award (World Vision category), and is topping bestsellers lists. Matt has become a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. With 22+ million YouTube channel views, followers are finding relief from the challenges of daily life through his heart-centered messages. Among his honors, Matt was named one of the top 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People by Watkins magazine, alongside the Dalai Lama and Eckhart Tolle.